In his annual budget speech, he outlines the Government's budgetary proposals and moves the Appropriation Bill, which gives legal effect to the annual expenditure proposals contained in the Budget. 财政司司长每年发表财政预算案演词,概述政府的财政预算建议,并动议通过《拨款条例草案》,使每年预算案中各项开支建议具有法律效力。
The diversified structure and form in budget source in higher education in our country has become. The tuition has become the main source between government appropriation outside school budget. 我国高校经费来源多元化的格局已经形成,学费已成为政府拨款之外学校经费的主要来源。
This paper comes from the subject in the Ministry of Communications scientific research and technological development item "a study to the principle and method to draw up the project appropriation budget of department budget and to government procurement project management". 本文来自于交通部科学研究与技术开发项目《部门预算中项目预算编制原则、方法及政府采购项目管理研究》课题。
A Study to the Appraisal of the Appropriation Budget Project of the Cause Institution under the Ministry of Communications 交通事业单位项目支出预算评价研究
The last chapter has summarized the questions that should be paid attention to while appraising the appropriation budget of the project, and probed into the development trend of appropriation budget of project. 最后一章总结了在项目支出预算评价中应注意的问题,并探讨了项目支出预算工作的发展趋势。
It is an inexorable trend of the reform and development of department budget to strengthen the appraisal of appropriation budget of the project. 加强项目支出预算评价是部门预算改革发展的必然趋势。
In recent years, the reform of appropriation budget of project has made a preliminary effect, but the questions still exist on how to appraise the appropriation budget of the project. 近年来,项目支出预算改革取得了初步成效,但在项目支出预算评价方面,仍然存在着许多问题。
In the financing origin, as the important source of funds of urban construction, the government finance which is influenced by annual appropriation of budget funds to a small extent, has been very difficult to satisfy the large amount fund of urban center region development. 在融资来源上,政府财政作为城市建设重要的资金来源,由于受预算资金分年度拨付而且每年分配的资金量较小影响,很难满足城市中心区域开发的巨额资金需求。